Breast cancer: How to reduce the risk through the food you eat?

Numerous studies show that there is a clear link between the disorder in the thyroid and breast cancer.  The iodine may be a factor that connects them. This thesis, which is the foundation of numerous investigations is confirmed by the statistics.

See more Breast cancer: How to reduce the risk through the food you eat?

The numbers

Today, one of eight American women has breast cancer.  Just 30 years ago, breast cancer was diagnosed in one out of 20 women. This primarily happens as a result of changes in diet and the fact that today people consume less iodine than before. This thesis is supported with several other numbers.
Thus, in Japan where people consume much more iodine through the foods that are rich in this mineral (mostly seafood, fish) there is a significantly lower percentage of people who suffer from breast cancer and have thyroid problems. Genetics is excluded in this case because Japanese women who emigrate to the United States and pass a “Western” diet, the percentage of those who are diagnosed with breast cancer and forms of thyroid dysfunction dramatically grows. The effectiveness of iodine is not only associated with healthy thyroid. Its preventive function in some forms of cancer takes significant place. How much iodine daily the body needs?

The science for the breast cancer

Scientific tests show that if breast cancer are sensitive to estrogen. Exposed to larger amounts of iodine they slow down its growth and the possibility of division. And here is not the end of good statistics for treatment with iodine.
In a study, an American expert said that more than 98% of women by the end of treatment with iodine were free of severe pain. Furthermore, 72% of the respondents were observed with improvement in breast tissue. It should be mentioned that the body needs a minimum of 150 micrograms of iodine a day. However, the deterrent effect is achieved by consuming higher doses. There is no danger if you consume too mush iodine. Since it should not be forgotten that people in Japan consume 12 milligrams of iodine per day, which is 10 times more than the recommended dose.


How to clean out plaque in arteries – 3 ingredients mixture

The arteries in our body are vessels that flow the blood away from our heart and each one of them is a muscular tube lined by a tissue that is smooth. The arteries are a part of our body that is elementary and the health of the same is very important and essential for the functioning of the bodies. The consumption of foods that contain fat, processed foods, toxins and chemicals are a cause for great damage to the cardiovascular system, that most of the time results with heart deceases as for example a heart attack.
The arteries can be cleansed with this amazing recipe. Ingredients 1 piece of ginger, 8 cloves of garlic,8 lemons,100 oz/ 3 liters of clean water
  1. Cut the washed lemon into slices.
  2.  Clean the cloves from the ginger and the garlic
  3. Blend and mix all of the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture.
  4. Put this mixture in a pot with water and cook until boiling point.
  5. Last, remove it from the heat and store the mixture in bottles.
See More How to clean out plaque in arteries – 3 ingredients mixture

This remedy shall be consumed every day, on an empty stomach, 2 hours before your meals. During the treatment, it is recommended to exercise regularly in order to get the best results.