How To Make Cloud Slime

How To Make Cloud Slime

Do you want to stretch the cloud in your hands? To feel that fluffy, soft texture? Then its time to make cloud slime! This type of slime is just like a giant cottony concoction that falls away like magnetic powder when you fully stretch it.

Read the full instructions below so you can create your own set. This is a step-by-step guide on how to make your fuzzy, dreamy and super awesome cloud slime with ingredients that you can most likely find at home added to instant snow!

Now, get your apron out, search the cupboards and be ready to make some cloudy dreams!
To prepare the cloud slime, you will simply need:
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • Contact lens solution
  • Instant snow
  • Food coloring
  • Large container for mixing
Step 1: Pour all the glue into a big bowl.
Step 2. Add food coloring and stir to mix well. It’s appropriate to use blue food coloring seeing as we are making cloud slime. But you may use any other color that you like.
Step 3. Now its time to make some slimy magic! Slowly mix in your slime activator, the contact lens solution, until a perfect gooey slime is formed.
Step 4. Take out another container and pour in your instant snow. Add in a little water at a time while mixing. Stop when your instant snow has come to life.
Step 5. Now, you can add the instant snow mixture to your slime and knead to mix together. Watch your cloud slime take form!
The cloud slime is a perfect item for gooey parties. Let us know when you try out our recipe by leaving your feedback in the comments section. If you know of other recipes, feel free to use the comments section too.


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