The Surprising Reasons For White Spots On Teeth. How to Fix

White spots on teeth cause many people to be self-conscious about their smile. Of course, having white teeth is a sign of good oral hygiene and dental care. But white spots on teeth shouldn’t be ignored because they can sometimes be the first sign of tooth decay. However white blotches or patches under the tooth enamel that appear whiter aren’t always a sign that tooth decay is happening. The white spots could appear because of weak tooth enamel, a lack of calcium in the diet, consuming too many acidic foods, or a result of wearing braces.

The Surprising Reasons For White Spots On Teeth. How to Fix

If you notice discolored patches on your teeth, you should try to find out the cause of the white spots. The white spots are often a sign that minerals are leaching out of your teeth, a process called demineralization or decalcification. If left untreated, weakened tooth enamel can lead to tooth cavities forming and causing dental problems. There are many home remedies to help even the color of your teeth and get rid of the white patches. However, reversing the process of demineralization will take some time and patience.



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