GUARANTEED! Whiten Your Yellow Teeth In Less Than 2 Minutes!

Yellow teeth are embarrassing and that makes people feel uncomfortable and less confident. People who don’t have perfectly white teeth don’t want to smile or laugh at all.
As a matter of fact, sometimes the teeth look as they are never brushed despite all efforts. That is particularly common among smokers as they have higher chance to have yellow teeth. Still, even non-smokers can have yellow teeth if they consume too much sugar.
So, if you have yellow-ish teeth we recommend you to try this home remedy. Your teeth will become incredibly white in just 2 minutes! That is GUARANTEED.
GUARANTEED! Whiten Your Yellow Teeth In Less Than 2 Minutes!


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4 Reasons Why You Are Experiencing More Hair Fall During Quarantine

One may think that spending more time indoors and limited exposure to the sun and pollution will improve one’s hair health. Contrary to the expectation, this lockdown has led to many beauty concerns, hair-thinning topping the list at the moment. If you are trying to put the finger on the possible reasons why your crowning glory is tuning into a limp, dull mane, here’s putting together a list of possible factors you should keep in check.

4 Reasons Why You Are Experiencing More Hair Fall During Quarantine

You’re letting STRESS take over your peace.

Everything from being confined within four walls with limited resources to figuring work from home and accepting the grave reality of the world outside can pile up, resulting in stress and anxiety.

Mihir Gadani, a nutrition expert and the co-founder of OZiva—a clean, plant-based nutrition brand in India—shares, “Stress is known to trigger hair loss. It can increase hair-damaging and pro-inflammatory elements in the body. Stress and anxiety can push hair follicles into a ‘resting’ phase so that they don’t produce new strands, further leading to more hair fall.”

Your HAIR HYGIENE has taken a backseat.

It’s difficult to find the motivation to indulge in time-taking hair washes when you have nowhere to go. As a result, delaying hair wash days has become a common norm during quarantine, leading to greasiness and product build-up that can significantly degrade hair health. Sweat and humidity further add to these hair woes, leading to dandruff that causes hair to fall.

“Sebum is naturally produced by sebaceous glands and lubricates the scalp. However, lack of hair hygiene can cause clogging of hair follicles due to the oily substances that block hair growth. Hence, regular hair washes are necessary to control sebum production and promote scalp health,” Gadani explains.

However, don’t let sweaty summers trick you into over-washing your hair, as it will do more harm than good. “Excessive and continuous use of shampoo and conditioner also damages hair health to a great extent. Over-washing will weaken proteins causing hair to become weak and fragile,” Gadani warns.

It’s recommended to wash your hair two to three times a week to maintain hair hygiene, without stripping off the natural oils from your scalp.

MORE AT: femina


5 Foods In a Hair Healthy Diet

Everything from long working hours and stress to lack of care and poor dietary habits contributes towards a dull and lifeless mane. The current lockdown scenario has given many a chance to reconsider their poor lifestyle choices and strengthen their hair care regime.

5 Foods In a Hair Healthy Diet

DIY haircare remedies have come up as a much sought after way to give your hair a strong boost of nourishment as we spend all our time at home. However, topical treatments can only enhance the appearance of your tresses. To truly strengthen your hair and promote holistic care, one needs to pay attention to nutrition intake through the diet.

Mihir Gadani, a nutrition expert and the co-founder of OZiva—a clean, plant-based nutrition brand in India—shares, “Nutritional deficiency has been observed to be one of the major factors influencing hair health. A healthy diet—comprised of balanced macronutrients (fat, protein, and carbohydrates) and adequate amounts of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)—provides required nutrition to the hair follicles, thereby boosting nourishment, promoting hair growth, and reducing hair fall.”

Resort to hair-healthy foods to nurture a luscious, envy-worthy mane.

Power Up With Protein

Proteins play a significant role in maintaining hair health. “Hair structure is largely made up of proteins—keratin—contributing to 80 to 85% of its composition. When keratin weakens, hair strands become more prone to breakage. Regular intake of protein can improve growth and strengthen the roots. It is also beneficial in curing hair problems like dandruff and scalp psoriasis,” explains Gadani.

Oats, lentils, peas, almonds, spinach, and broccoli are some excellent sources of plant protein. For animal protein, one can load up on dairy products, chicken, salmon, and shrimp.

Say Citrus 

The citrusy goodness of lemon, orange, guava, and lime, comes with the antioxidant benefits of Vitamin C.

Gadani says, “Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen—the main structural protein in the body—required by hair follicles for optimal growth. Fruits such as grapes also contain a high concentration of polyphenolic compounds with antioxidant properties that help to prevent dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production. DHT is the hormone known to be the main cause of hair loss.”



How To Care For Your 4c Natural Hair And Grow It Long

Let’s be honest taking care of your 4C natural hair and being able to grow it long can be the most rewarding thing you can do in your natural hair journey.

With that being said, the idea of investing the time and money into taking care of it like you should can be quite intimidating and challenging.

But, there are many effective ways to care for your 4C hair with love and grow it fast.

Forget the myths that 4C hair cannot grow, if you believe yours can grow, then it certainly can.

How To Care For Your 4c Natural Hair And Grow It Long

Do these questions sound familiar?

How do I keep it moisturized?
Why is my hair so dry and brittle?
How do I style it so it looks pretty?
What do people really think about my kinky hair?

I mean this list of questions can go on and on…

But, stop right here and start thinking positively about your 4C hair because after all “hair is hair.”

I will be walking you through some tips that you can take away today to keep your 4C hair healthy and grow it longer than it has ever been.

And some of the mistakes to stop making now.

Also, I will include some resources and tools that will guide you in the right direction on your 4C hair journey.

Before we get started, I want you to get in the mind set that this will take time and patience.


You should give as much attention to your 4C hair because it matters.

Yes, it is not like other natural hair, but it is beautiful and deserves all the love and care. It shouldn’t be hidden under a wig all the time for whatever reason. 

Also, the reward that you will get out of knowing that you took care of your 4C crown is amazing.


Use of Heat

The use of heat may not seem like a lot but, it may be stopping your hair from growing.

When blowdrying your 4C hair, it is recommended to use the dryer on cool setting or air dry it.

Too Severe

Let’s face it, we can can be rough with our hair especially when we are in a hurry.

So anytime you touch your hair remember that it is fragile no matter what state it is in. Be nice to your hair.

MORE AT : melissaerial


Types Of Hair Loss And How To Identify Them

You are not just suffering from hair fall out, but rather from hair loss. There are many types of hair loss, also known as Alopecia.

If you have hair anywhere on your body, you should be aware of the types of hair loss you may experience throughout your lifetime.

The most common hair loss we know occurs on the scalp.

There are two main types of hair found on the body, Vellus, and Terminal hair.

Vellus hair, also known as Lanugo hair is the fine, short, hair found in hairless places throughout your body.

It is most likely found on the forehead, eyelids, etc. It is not found in places like the palms, soles of feet.

This type of hair is un-pigmented and women usually retain about 55 percent more Vellus hair than men. The main purpose of Vellus hair is to help with the evaporation of perspiration.

Terminal hair is the hair that you and I care about the most because it grows out of our scalp. It is not only found on the scalp but also on the legs and arms.

Types Of Hair Loss And How To Identify Them


The hair growth consists of three phases and is repeated over and over throughout your lifetime.

The Anagen is the phase in which new hair is produced from new cells within the hair follicle.

Followed by the Catagen phase, the brief transition phase between the Anagen and Telogen phases.

In the last phase of the hair growth cycle, Telogen is known as the resting and the final stage.

The hair growth cycle is set in motion to function normally, and with that, we all lose some hair every day.

So when you comb or brush your hair and some hair comes out, that is normal.

It is a direct result of the hair growth cycle working as it should. For every shed hair, you get a replacement.

However, if you notice bald spots, then you are suffering from a form of abnormal hair loss which is is caused by a disruption in the hair growth cycle.

There are many types of hair loss and each one has a cause.

This blog post is not meant to diagnose your medical condition, but rather to educate you on the types of hair loss.

Please seek the help of a medical professional to determine the root cause of your hair loss condition.


Before we get to the different types of hair loss, let’s discuss the emotional trauma that comes with hair loss.

A survey that investigated the perceptions of balding men shows that bald or balding men are perceived as less attractive, assertive, successful, older looking.

Bald men tend to become more preoccupied with their new baldness and make efforts in other areas to overcompensate.

Men are not the only ones affected by abnormal hair loss, women are too.

My first experience with abnormal hair loss or Alopecia was years ago when an old friend from my high school who suffered from hair loss in her teens came to my house for hair services and she showed me her bald spots.

From what she told me it was devasting, and it destroyed her self esteem and made her feel less attractive. She covered her hair with a hat every day.

Abnormal hair loss is more worrisome for women in general because it is unusual, so we worry that is related it is a more serious medical condition.


Although there are many types of Alopecia, we will focus on the main types of hair loss found in men, women, and children of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds.


Also known as Androgenetic Alopecia. This is the most common type of hair loss and is found more in men than women.

It is also known as male pattern baldness.

A clear indication that a male will lose his hair, is when the hair starts to bald in a pattern. It usually starts at the hairline and progresses into a horseshoe-shaped fringe.

For women the hair usually thins in the crown area, the middle of the head and moves to other parts of the head, it is unlikely for the entire head to become bald.

So how does one completely go bald? When the Terminal hair starts to miniaturize into Vellus hair until it completely falls out.

Androgenic Alopecia is linked to genetics, hormonal changes, and age.


This is a skin disease. According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, an estimated 5 million people in the United States suffer from this autoimmune disorder.

It causes affected hair follicles to be mistakenly attacked by the immune system. With this condition, the white blood cells stop the hair growth in the Anagen stage of the hair growth cycle.

This medical condition results in total hair loss on the scalp known as Alopecia Totalis or complete hair loss on the body, known as Alopecia Universalis.

Alopecia Areata usually begins in childhood and affects both males and females.

MORE AT : melissaerial



Let’s be honest the fermented rice water method for fast hair growth sounds great at first right?

However, when you learn of the process, it doesn’t sound as simple.

There could be many reasons why you may think the process is not simple, one could just be lack of experience.

To make the rice water itself it can take up to 24 hours which is a long time.

And if you have been wanting to try the fermented rice water natural hair growth treatment, then here’s your shortcut.

You can now buy the rice water already made.

Yes, this means you can skip all the preparation you would normally do in your kitchen.


I enjoy making the mixture at home because I am comfortable with the process.

And I can always make sure there are no additional chemicals added.

So for me the process is as easy as 1-2-3.

But I have to tell you buying, the fermented rice water already made saves me time that I could never get back.


The fermented rice water method has become extremely popular as of late with more black women and other ethnicities trying it out.

The treatment has been a tradition in countries like China, Japan, and Southeast Asia for centuries.

This mixture can be used as a pre-poo treatment to further cleanse the hair and immediately stop excessive shedding.

Further, rice is a powerful food and full of beneficial nutrients for the body.

The inositol which is a carbohydrate found in rice helps strengthen the elasticity and reduces daily friction on the hair.

It also promotes smooth and shiny hair.

The first time I ever tried the rice water method, my hair shedding stopped completely.

So, if you are experiencing any type of hair damage, then you should try the fermented rice water method.

In my best-selling hair growth recipe ebook, I teach you my easy- proven method on how to make the rice water mixture and other fast natural hair growth treatments.

SOURCE: melissaerial



Deciding to go on a long natural hair growth journey sounds exciting at first because most people think it’s easy, just follow the directions one time and your hair should grow from collar bone to waist length overnight.


Right? Does this sound familiar?

The problem with that thinking is that if you want to grow your hair long, it takes serious commitment.

Often one person will see another with long hair and think the hair growth process was easy for them, when in fact, it was not.

That is why there are people with long hair and people who struggle to grow their hair.

There are a ton of resources to help with growing afro hair, but they don’t always work for everyone.

So today, I want to share four ugly truths that people with long hair will not often share with you.

Before we get started, if you are not on a hair growth commitment journey, now is the best time to start. You can do so by checking out the image below.


I hate to say this but being on a natural hair growth journey takes hard commitment. Most people think it’s a one-time task, do this process and never touch your hair again.

Being on a hair journey is almost like a full-time job. You have to work at it every day.

There needs to be a plan in place on what you are going to do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

Keeping a journal helps. It is good to set goals in a journal  to make them stick.

Set goals that are achievable.

The people with long natural hair at some point were committed to one thing and it was getting to a certain length.

However, what they will never tell you is how they lived and breathe the hair growth process. They were obsessed with the idea.

They strategized day and night to ensure that their hair was growing.

It was their life goal, and although it may not seem like it now, trust me they had their struggle days.


First, to treat something you must know what you are treating.

If the person with long hair which you have made your hair ‘god’ has 3b hair, and they talk about what they did to grow their hair but you have 4c hair, there is a problem. 

There is no way what they are doing will work for you.

In fact, when they grew their hair they didn’t just copy someone with long hair, they identified their hair type and adjusted their regimen over time.

The only way to know what your hair type desires is to have the proper knowledge of different treatments that are proven to work on all hair types, and not just on one particular hair type.


The third truth is that most people have several common hair problem going one at the same time, it can be split ends, dryness, breakage, or hair fall.

However, most are not able to identify one for another due to lack of knowledge.

Increasing your knowledge and knowing your hair is the best way to grow your hair healthy and long.

The people with long natural hair will never tell you that they once struggled with split ends or hair shedding because they want you to believe that they just arrived at long hair with no problems.

That’s not the truth, and even now with having long hair they still experience some of the most common hair problems, but what they have mastered is how to cater to each one.

As you start your hair growth journey, choose to solve one hair problem at a time and treat the most severe hair problem first.

Once you tackle the toughness hair problem, then the other ones will become easier to tackle, and you will gain the confidence and momentum you need to grow your hair at a faster rate.

MORE AT : melissaerial


TYPES OF SHAMPOOS: How To Select For Your Hair Type

There are many different types of shampoos in the market, each serving a different purpose for your hair.

The shampoo choice you make is probably one of the most important decisions you will make regarding the cleansing and care of your hair.

Today we are sharing details on eight different types of shampoos.

Of course, there are more shampoos other than of the ones listed below but, I thought these were the most important ones to highlight for your hair care and growth journey.

TYPES OF SHAMPOOS: How To Select For Your Hair Type



A conditioning shampoo is a sophisticated hair care product whose formula has a perfect balance of chemicals and natural ingredients like green almonds and henna.

Experts make this shampoo using cleansing agents, preservatives, perfume, and conditioning agents.

It serves as a shampoo and a conditioner at the same time. It also cleans and moisturizes the strands and scalp without stripping away the natural sebum.

This shampoo is usually less expensive compared to most treatment shampoos and easy to apply.


pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

It would be best if you chose a shampoo with the correct acid balance to maintain the right pH balance in your skin, which in turn, helps the skin and scalp fight bacteria and free radicals from the environment.

pH balanced shampoos are neither acidic nor alkaline.


The purpose of this shampoo is to deal with hair and scalp problems like lice and dandruff.

It contains chemicals that can treat scalp disorders that occur due to dandruff and lice in the hair like psoriasis or itching. 

The main chemical composition of medicated shampoo includes tar, selenium sulfide, and zinc omadine.

For effective results, you should leave this shampoo on hair a bit longer than regular shampoos.


An enhancing shampoo contains gentle deposit-only dyes, which coats the hair; hence, boosting its color temporarily without damaging the strands.

It, therefore, cleanses the hair while leaving it with a temporary wash. It also removes brassiness and stimulates your hair vibrancy.

You may find them in shades of red, blonde, or brunette.



Experts recommend using clarifying shampoo for deep hair cleaning, only to get rid of dullness or buildup due to styling products in your hair.

This product stands out due to its composition of heavy surfactants like ammonium-sodium lauryl sulfate, chlorides, and acetyl-fatty alcohols, which are much stronger than other cleansers.

However, overusing clarifying shampoos can leave your hair strands dry and dull-looking.

Besides, they may damage the color of color-treated hairs. The  heavy surfactant composition found in clarifying shampoos may worsen scalp disorders like dandruff.


It is a powdery shampoo composed of a corn or rice starch, which absorbs sebum, hence reducing greasiness in your hair. Even though dry shampoo makes your hair looks clean, the absorbed oils often remain in the scalp, thus forcing you to cleanse your scalp formally.

Frequent use of dry shampoo will lead to product buildup on the hair, making it look not very interesting.

This buildup can also cause fungal infections on the scalp.

It also contains a chemical Talc, which can cause respiratory problems.

source: melissaerial


10 Effective Ways To Accelerate Hair Growth Without Sacrificing Your Time

Hair growth is inevitable.

It is part of our DNA, it must happen no matter what.

Whether it happens for you at the normal rate of ½ inch per month, or you choose to accelerate it with your super powers.

Well not so much with super powers, but with some practical steps which I will share with you in this post.

10 Effective Ways To Accelerate Hair Growth Without Sacrificing Your Time


Utilize scalp messages as a way to stimulate blood flow.

Do this every 2-3 nights, oil scalp and massage for up to five minutes.


After doing hair treatments, best to put hair in a protective style and use a satin scarf at night to protect.


Use a moisturizer of choice to apply from the roots to the ends, and use a sealant oil to seal hair strands.


Hair can only grow when it is free of product build up.

Get into the habit of washing hair two to three times per week, and to get another opportunity to stimulate blood flow to scalp by massaging.


This may not be possible every week depending on your lifestyle but limit heat to one to two times per month.


Recommending cardio and weight lifting if health permits.


Based on your exercise level, use this calculator to monitor your daily water intake using your weight calculator.


Keep a clean and balanced diet.


Multivitamins, biotin, vitamin D, & folic acid. Always follow instructions on packaging and seek counsel of health professional.


And finally, to really accelerate your hair growth, you must incorporate these fast hair growing treatments.

source: melissaerial


You Didn't Need Hair Vitamins To Grow Your Hair, You This Instead!

For a long time now natural hair treatments have been available for hair care and hair growth solutions. They have the ability to bring massive amounts of hair growth to your not so growing hair.

There’s one big problem though…

You are not using the right ones and do not know how to properly apply the hair treatments, and most importantly, you do not have a plan.

So you are going about hair growth TOTALLY wrong. And this can cause a lot of frustration. Yes, you may be “trying” different hair growth methods. You went natural, only to go back to a relaxer, you’ve tried a keratin treatment.

You may have even gone to a hair salon and paid $1000+ in hair care services. Yet, you see little results or no difference in the amount of inches, and your hair breaks off yet again.

Wait a flipping minute…

What on earth are YOU missing here?

I know…

You Didn't Need Hair Vitamins To Grow Your Hair, You This Instead!

Your hair is the second fastest growing tissue in your body after the bone marrow. So it has the potential to grow and to grow long.

If accelerated, hair has the ability to grow up to 12 inches per year, and even if you retained 6-8 inches of those inches after your trims, that’s still major growth. Secondly, hair operates on a hair growth cycle. If you set the cycle on a growing pattern with a plan in place, it will only keep growing.

If you don’t know how the hair growth cycle works, chances are your hair will never grow.

That’s where my eBook, Hair Growth Ninja, comes in.

You have to be caring for your hair properly.  Meaning you have to understand how the hair growth cycle works and how you can take advantage of its inner workings.

When I started my accelerated hair growth journey in 2018, I did a lot of research about hair growth and how I could use the hair growth cycle to my benefit.

I constantly tweaked my strategy in the first month. And, in the first week of the second month, I experienced more than 2 inches of growth.

Here’s a look at the growth progress during that time and to show you how you can get the same results.

And all of it was from my hair growth regimen which is found inside of Hair Growth Ninja.

This didn’t happen by a stroke of luck, or by what most people would say,  “it’s genetics, long hair runs in your family.” 

Actually, long hair does not run in my family. It was a pre-planned strategy.

This strategy went on to help retain over 8 inches of hair in just 9 months!

Now trust me.

I know there are many hair gurus, blogs, and eBooks out there, many of which cover this same topic. I am not going to try to tell you that the hair growth strategies found in my eBook are better than another for XYZ reason. There’s no need for an intense sales pitch here.

I am providing you with my accelerated hair growth secrets to help you care for and grow your hair fast like I did.

My proven hair growth methods are helping many women who once found themselves in your shoes.

SOURCE : melissaerial


Just do these for super long effing hair

Long hair, don’t care? Or more like… long hair, please share? If you’ve had your mind on growing out a beautiful Rapunzel-meets-Princess-Jasmine-mane, you’ve come to the right place. To grow your hair faster whilst being healthy, long, and thick can be a struggle. Sometimes it takes months, other times it can take YEARS to achieve your goal length. And.. let’s be real, who really wants to wait a few years before getting those locks you desire? Before you give up on the natural-long-hair dream, and opt-in to extensions – give some of these hacks a try. Everything from must-use oils, to hair clip secrets, we’ve compiled 5 of the best hair hacks when it comes to growing healthy, thick, and long hair – fast!

Just do these for super long effing hair


You’ve heard it once and I’ll say it again. Rule number one to grow hair faster: stop using excess heat on your hair. If using heat styling tools on the daily is second nature to you, it’s time to take a break. We’re saying boy bye to blow-dryers, straighteners, and curlers on the daily. Sounds nearly IMPOSSIBLE for anyone that uses heat on the regular, right? Sorry to break it to you sister, but using heat everyday on your hair is a big no-no when it comes to your hair health. Heat damages your hair, dries it out, and causes breakage.


As much as you want to lighten up your locks for that cute balayage look this summer, the next step to grow hair faster is to lay off the bleach. Especially for the girls looking to go lighter, bleaching is a surefire way to damage your hair. If you’re looking to lighten – be sure to do it gradually in steps, with the right hair colourist. Any stylist that’s willing to take you from jet black hair to bleach blonde in one session is one that you want to avoid. It takes time to lighten up, and it’s important to take good care of your locks throughout the process.

BUT, if you want to grow hair fast and get that desired length as quick as you can, you have a way better chance of eliminating breakage and thinning hair by avoiding hair dye all together. Give your hair a break from the colour and let it replenish itself naturally. The less you bother your hair, the more likely it is to maintain its shine and glow.


Oils are a great way to replenish, moisturize, and strengthen your hair. But the key here is to use 100% natural oils – NOT serums and “oil blends” mixed with chemicals that you buy at the drugstore. Coconut oil, castor oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil are all AMAZING for hair growth and health. After you shower, simply mix a blend  of all 4 of the oils and massage onto your hair (starting at the ends) while damp. Be sure not to overuse – a little goes a long way!


A simple trick that a lot of gals don’t know: replace your hair ties with a hair clip instead. Tying your hair tightly on a consistent basis can pull the hair on your scalp. Tying it tightly in the same area on the regular can actually cause your hair to fray in the same spot. Change up the way you tie your hair by braiding it, twisting it, putting it in a bun, etc. – and secure it with a clip.


K gross, we know! As nice as it is to have clean, fresh hair, every single day – if you’re looking to grow hair  faster – don’t wash it everyday. When you wash your hair with shampoo, you’re removing natural oils (otherwise known as sebum) that help keep your locks moisturized. Over-shampooing can dry out your hair, leading to breakage. How often you should wash your hair depends on a few factors. If your hair is generally more thin, or you’re doing a heavy workout – you may need to wash it everyday. BUT, try to at least up that interval to every other day. If you’ve got thicker, less oily hair, you can likely avoid a full hair wash for a few days.

source: thewerklife


5 Bridal Makeup Ideas To Rock The Most Special Day of Your Life!

Your wedding day is surely the most memorable and special day of your life, surely calling for you to look the most stunning bride that can be! Whether you want to rock the day with gorgeously dramatic makeup or keep it simple with a few touches of awesomeness, these bridal makeup ideas are going to delight you to the core.

5 Bridal Makeup Ideas To Rock The Most Special Day of Your Life!

1. Low-Key Bridal Makeup

Low-Key Bridal Makeup

If keeping things low-key is what you are looking for, then this subtle makeup with a few touches of glitter is all you need. Specially, if you are the bridesmaid, you are totally going to steal the show with this golden glitter eyeshadow on a thick mascara. Plus, those nude lips with a much needed gloss add to the whole look. Work up a very mild glitter blush on the cheeks, and voila!

2. Natural Makeup with Side Part

Natural Makeup with Side Part

That side part with lovely face-shaping curls are simply fabulous, bringing out the best of the natural makeup look here. The cheeks are kept mostly natural, while going for a coat of thick nude on the lips. The rich mascara and eye makeup totally steal the show with the little dose of glamour that they add to the look.

3. Stunning Eyes with Messy Hair

Stunning Eyes with Messy Hair

The most amazing thing about this look is the messy hair with a beautiful braid, complementing the makeup just right. The half-kohled eyes with the silver glitter at the inner corners are adorned with a black eyeliner and a lightly done mascara. Go for a ombre eye-shadow to match the half-done Kohl, finally adding a layer of lightly glossy nude lipstick on the lips.

4. Nude Lips and Copper Eyes

Nude Lips and Copper Eyes

A touch of copper works wonders for an occasion as grand as your wedding! And this bride showcases it just right with that glittery copper eyeshadow that adorns her heavy mascara lashes and a subtle kohl lining underneath. The lovely loosely done low bun charms the soft blushed cheeks, finally completing the look with nude lips yet again.

5. Dominating Eyes Bridal Makeup

Dominating Eyes Bridal Makeup

The most dominant feature about this bridal makeup is those eyes that are lined with thick black touches of beauty, further highlighting the lashes with a lovely mascara. The lips go for a dark hot pink with a light gloss, while a minimum blush brings out the natural look of the cheeks. The back bun and the free-flowing hair around the face are splendid.

source : cutediyprojects


5 Gorgeous Floral Nail Designs Perfect For The Summer!

What comes first to the mind when someone mentions summer? It’s those stunning blooms taking the whole surroundings by delight with their colours and awesome fragrances. And integrating a bit of summer to your look can rightly be done with these floral nail designs that are all about brightness and vibrance!

5 Gorgeous Floral Nail Designs Perfect For The Summer!

1. Matte Olive Nails with Floral Print

1. Matte Olive Nails with Floral Print

How amazingly summer perfect are those floral pattern tips coated with a lovely shade of olive coming in a nice matte finish! Once you work up a base coat, and add the matte later on each of the tips, it’s time to go for the accents. The accents here are pulled off with a thin brush and flaunts pink flowers and green leaves!

2. Rainforest Florals

2. Rainforest Florals

Despite the fact that each of the tips of this Mani look exactly same, it still looks vivid and wonderful, sporting such cute little flowers in bright colours including white, orange, blue and more! The backdrop goes for a coat of nude nail enamel, having the flowers rightly accompanied by pretty green branches. The design is kept mostly limited to the tips of the nails, while combining neutrals and florals amazingly well.

3. Pastel Pink and Florals

3. Pastel Pink and Florals

We just can’t get enough of this awesome union of floral print and solids put together in one single Mani, that too without going overboard with the design! While two tips are adorned with coats of pastel pink and sealed with a glossy top coat, the other three form the canvas for beautiful flowers. The pink roses have got a lovely white background to make sure t that the mani looks will balanced!

4. White Florals on Sky Blue

4. White Florals on Sky Blue

The title itself suggests that this manicure is going to be a treat for the eyes, as white daisy nails atop a lovely sky blue background look absolutely soothing. Once you paint all the fingertips with a base layer of sky blue, you pick up a dotting tool and get started to work up the flowers. Make each of the petals of the same using the dotting tool, spacing the flowers at appropriate distances from each other. Lastly, you add glorious golden centers to each flower for a little dash of glam, and voila!

5. Lavender Blossoms Floral Nail Art

5. Lavender Blossoms Floral Nail Art

If you have got a super thin nail art brush on hand, along with a nice pale purple and lavender nail enamels, you are all set to get started with this gorgeous, delicate-looking print for your nails. Coat the nails with the light purple, further grabbing the brush and painting the stems using a bottle green, adding a few tiny leaves. Lastly, throw in the lovely blooms, and voila!

source : cutediyprojects


5 Special Occasion Hairstyles That Will Make You Enchant the Big Day!

Getting ready for a party, an occasion or a romantic date seems to be impossible without getting a stunning hair updo. But, who has got time to hit the salon every time? If you want to rock the big day with beautifully done hair that complement your overall look with grace, here are 05 special occasion hairstyles that are all you need.

5 Special Occasion Hairstyles That Will Make You Enchant the Big Day!

1. Dutch Braid Crown and Messy Bun

SEE MORE 5 Special Occasion Hairstyles That Will Make You Enchant the Big Day!

Dutch braids can make such beautiful crowns that you don’t just need any more touches to your hair to look oh so special. However, this hairdo takes it to all new levels of amazement with a messy bun working as an accompaniment to the braid crown. The Dutch braid turns into a regular braid as it reaches the bottom of the hair, further getting pulled back to join a super messy top bun that brings out a carefree yet impactful look to your overall appearance. Easy to quick to work up, this one surely tops our list of special occasion hairstyles. The best part about this one shared in the below Instagram post is that it can also go just right with a regular day at work, without looking over the top!

2. Back Tucked Braid with Front Flick

SEE MORE 5 Special Occasion Hairstyles That Will Make You Enchant the Big Day!

The front flick here of course, is the charming element about this hairstyle, while that braid right behind the flick is equally glorious. The braid running on one side of the hair is further tucked behind with the help of a few bobby pins, adding total finesse to the updo. For those who love to keep it simple and prefer their hair open for most occasions, this one is all they need to add the much needed idea of special to the look. for an extra factor of glam, you can always adorn the styling with a few embellishments, light waves throughout the tresses and voila! You are all set to hit the party. Check out the Instagram post and get your dose of inspiration right away.

3. Wedding Messy Bun Hairdo with Embellishments

SEE MORE 5 Special Occasion Hairstyles That Will Make You Enchant the Big Day!

That big wedding day is undoubtedly, the most special occasion in a women’s life – calling for an equally special hairdo to make you look no less than a queen. And this elegant hairstyle is just what your big day deserves. This bridal voluminous updo has got a thick fluffy braid crown gradually transforming into a low bun as you advance towards the back of the head. The intended imperfections of this hairdo make it just perfect, especially those two free-flowing wavy strands of the hair in front as well as the twisty make of the bun itself. The spirit of the occasion comes into play with a faux floral branch going for the decor of the bun, neatly inserted into the top of the bun. Head to the below pin to get your hands on this pretty hairstyle.

4. Stephanie’s Wedding Hair Archive

SEE MORE 5 Special Occasion Hairstyles That Will Make You Enchant the Big Day!

Looking out to catch a whole bundle of updos that match different occasions and attires at their best? This Instagram belonging to the expert hair and makeup artist Stephanie Brinkerhoff is your one stop destination for the same. Each of her styles are luxurious to fit a bridal outfit, while being so easy to pull off that you don’t even need a hairstylist to get most of them done. Ranging from luscious braids and buns to intricate hairdos that create the illusion of florals and so much more, Stephanie has you covered. Additionally, she also showcases how one can decorate the updos with a variety of embellishments, as well as takes you through a detailed wedding hair chart. No matter what’s your hair color or texture, you will rock these styles without a doubt.

5. Romantic Low Bun Wedding Hairstyle

5 Special Occasion Hairstyles That Will Make You Enchant the Big Day!

If you think low buns are a common something when it comes to wedding hairstyles, this one is going to take you by a surprise! This romantic updo steals the show with the free-flowing loosely done nature of the bun that’s worked up on one side, twisting the hair in a beautiful fashion. Some bobby pins are all it takes to pull off the updo, keeping it all done with great finesse. For the decor, a delicate golden band-like crown is used to adorn the hair, fixed into the updo right in the top middle of the hair. If you already love the romantic low bun prettiness, head to the below Pin and gain a deeper insight into the same. Oh yes, whether your tresses are long or short, you can always rock this style.

SOURCE : cutediyprojects