4 Reasons Why You Are Experiencing More Hair Fall During Quarantine

One may think that spending more time indoors and limited exposure to the sun and pollution will improve one’s hair health. Contrary to the expectation, this lockdown has led to many beauty concerns, hair-thinning topping the list at the moment. If you are trying to put the finger on the possible reasons why your crowning glory is tuning into a limp, dull mane, here’s putting together a list of possible factors you should keep in check.

4 Reasons Why You Are Experiencing More Hair Fall During Quarantine

You’re letting STRESS take over your peace.

Everything from being confined within four walls with limited resources to figuring work from home and accepting the grave reality of the world outside can pile up, resulting in stress and anxiety.

Mihir Gadani, a nutrition expert and the co-founder of OZiva—a clean, plant-based nutrition brand in India—shares, “Stress is known to trigger hair loss. It can increase hair-damaging and pro-inflammatory elements in the body. Stress and anxiety can push hair follicles into a ‘resting’ phase so that they don’t produce new strands, further leading to more hair fall.”

Your HAIR HYGIENE has taken a backseat.

It’s difficult to find the motivation to indulge in time-taking hair washes when you have nowhere to go. As a result, delaying hair wash days has become a common norm during quarantine, leading to greasiness and product build-up that can significantly degrade hair health. Sweat and humidity further add to these hair woes, leading to dandruff that causes hair to fall.

“Sebum is naturally produced by sebaceous glands and lubricates the scalp. However, lack of hair hygiene can cause clogging of hair follicles due to the oily substances that block hair growth. Hence, regular hair washes are necessary to control sebum production and promote scalp health,” Gadani explains.

However, don’t let sweaty summers trick you into over-washing your hair, as it will do more harm than good. “Excessive and continuous use of shampoo and conditioner also damages hair health to a great extent. Over-washing will weaken proteins causing hair to become weak and fragile,” Gadani warns.

It’s recommended to wash your hair two to three times a week to maintain hair hygiene, without stripping off the natural oils from your scalp.

MORE AT: femina


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